Ruby Red Grapefruit Pomegranate Marmalade – 1st Place Winner

My Mom would be so proud.  Isn’t it incredible that we want our parents to be proud even after we are adults.

Did someone say competition?

I remember my Mom canning, the hot stove, the steam, the hot jars, her apron snugged at her waist. All moves were with purpose, she seldom wasted a step. I was excited to find out my grapefruit pomegranate marmalade won 1st Place at the 2010 Ventura County Fair. I wish I could tell my Mom! I assume she knows and is smiling from ear to ear.

This marmalade has the tartness and sweetness from the ruby red grapefruit, and yet when you add the pomegranate, the color enhancement is magnificent. Pretty it is, isn’t it?

1 Cup Grapefruit rinds (about three grapefruits)
4 Cups Ruby Red Grapefruit juice
1 Cup Pomegranate juice (POMs is good)
1 package low sugar pectin – the pink box
4 Cups sugar

Boil Grapefruit rinds until tender in grapefruit juice about 20 minutes. Drain.
Mix grapefruit and pomegranate juice. See that color! Wow factor. Add 1 cup of grapefruit rinds and bring to boil. Add low sugar pectin and bring to rolling boil. (One that cannot be stirred down). Stir constantly for 1 minute. Add sugar all at once and bring back to rolling boil.
Keep at boil until this mixture gets to 222 degrees – Gel Set. Stir constantly. Watch this, it could boil over.

Fill jars that have been washed and sterilized by heating in oven for 20 minutes. After filling, wipe top edge with vinegar to ensure sealing. Boil in water bath for 5 minutes.

The Competition!

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