Breakfast Hash and Eggs

Sweet Potato, Russet Potato, Sweet Onion and Roast Pork

As I wake up and everyone in the house is starting to stir and the chorus of “I’m hungry”, I take a gander in my refrigerator and see we have eggs and a bit of leftover meat and decide, let’s make some hash. I have a knack for using leftovers from my refrigerator and bring it together for something good to eat. Hash is great for a crowd.

Breakfast Hash

2 Russet Potatoes diced
1 Sweet Potatoe diced
1 Sweet Onion diced
Leftover pork shoulder roast, or ham, or roast beef or chorizo
Salt and Pepper to taste
Vegetable oil for frying

If you can dice all the ingredients so they are about the same size, the hash will look good and cook evenly.
Brown the diced potatoes and set aside.
Sweat the diced onions and set aside.
Warm the meat, then add back in the potatoes and onions.
Salt and pepper to taste.

Once the potatoes are browned, crack an egg for each person on top, bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes until the whites are set. Yell out, come and get it!

If you want scrambled eggs, get ’em done and serve on the side. Breakfast is ready!

Sunnyside Eggs and Pulled Pork Hash

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